Tuesday 15 February 2011


SHRIMP here!!

Ahhh...first post....

So Valentine's Day (I am compelled to comment on). I had an uneventful day of watching old movies and foreign dramas :D

How was it for you?

I don't really like Valentines Day....it's cheesey. Everything people do for it seems to be half hearted or commercial, don't you think? If you're going to be romantic, go over board (not necessarily expensive) but something true to your heart.

For example if you  or your partner are passionate about something, do something together that shows that. If you're into astronomy, go star gazing together or if you like horses, go for a riding lesson together. It doesn't matter if it goes wrong, you tried and you'll probably have great memories.

However, does it have to happy on Valentine's Day? Why only that day to be romantic? Pick any day. we have so many to choose from.

But ok, for my little bit of romance, why not check out the Romantic Letters of history's most love dovey couple.

http://www.vivandlarry.com/the-oliviers/letters/ <-- but they do get a bit depressing towards the end :(

No picture today though guys...I'm in my pyjamas and no make up and I don't look cute at all.

Sending pretty couples pics por vu.

Stay romantic (truly romantic) always


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